Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Mocking Bird....

There are two kinds of people in this world,very often has it been quoted! But I differ; why just two categories for the elite human class? It would be unfair not to acknowledge their peculiar characteristics. So I say there are as many kinds of people in the world as is their number. Some extremely polite, some rude, some who live in total awe of others, some are critical and observant; there are few for whom others don't exist, contrary to these there are those many who give a lot of attention to others , not that they are charitable or extra-social, rather they make it a point to intrude into their lives and derive fun out of their actions or habits. Those people for whom mockery is food, who are blind to their own selves but very quick to observe even the slightest action of their targets and make of them what is called "fun". To this class belongs my mocking bird!
I have very often been bothered by people who seem to have nothing better to do but to make a comment on all that I do or say. I do not really understand the motive of these people, whether it is some grudge against me or as many people put it, they are forced by habit and serious lack of better things to do. I have also observed that it is at times insecurities of people that force them to find faults with others at all times;it is when they try to hide or justify their own fears or shortcomings that they laugh at others publicly, they are only hiding their expressions behind that loud mocking laughter. But mind you, the world around is not foolish, people might just grin at some of those weird and illogical statements(I refuse to call those things you find amusing as jokes!) but then they all know and undersand the truth, actually even you are just helpless, you can't help but mock!
I know the sky is the place for birds to fly, but then do not forget your limits and soar so high that it becomes difficult to touch the ground when you retire.....
Live and let live!