Monday, February 4, 2008

Great Expectations!

I write this blog in a state of mind that is not very optimistic. May be I am too young to see life with such a viewpoint as I do now but right now this is how I am !
As each day is passing by, I am learning new lessons, facing realities that have been striking me on the face. Things have turned out beyond my expectations or contrary to them, I must say. At times I feel that I have lost my ability to reason and to judge, to look through people and circumstances; I get carried away too soon and jump to decisions without second thoughts. What worsens this state is the fact that I cannot even decide who or what to blame for this chaos.
Since my childhood I have been an honest person, truthful in all my dealings and transactions. This is what I had always been expecting in return but unfortunately rarely could I get such a reciprocation or if I did I was maybe immature not to sense it. My experiences have time and again proven to me that I shouldn't expect in return the same position from others that I have given to them. These expectations are the greatest cause of disappointments and in my case some blows to my self esteem. Again I cannot be sure as to what I write is correct or is it that I have been influenced by some useless thoughts but like I said this is how I am right now and I cannot change it, all I know is that I am alone in this huge scary world where I have to come upto several expectations myself, I hope that I survive and emerge a winner!

2 comments: said...

You know, I feel the same way very often, and over time I've come to realize that the mistake I make is that I care too much about others and what they think of me, rather than knowing myself. No one knows you better than you yourself, and always keep that in mind. And as for other people who don't return the feelings you have for them, maybe they aren't worth it.

Now don't be sad please, it doesn't suit you. Those who really matter won't think less of you even if you committed the worst possible crime in the world. Cheer up please!

srivats said...

well lets say..since we are human...we ought to have great expectations....and then we ought to feel bad if these expectations are not you say it is true that many a times people don't reciprocate...but sometimes it is a good idea to look for the to what influenced people to act in the way they did..that might appease the disappointments that you mention,
another remedy is to tell people clearly about how there actions have hurt so that there is some sort of realization...and the final one is to pen down your thoughts that you already did!